Hi there welcome back to our second part of our new series on the “Spirit of Money”
Last week we spoke about a few things, just a quick recap we said that wealth creation was 80% phycology and 20% mechanics
And then of course you need the right mechanics and I used a silly little acronym: FOWTW; GAGI and GITT
What was:
Out what they
Get it
We also then spoke about some common scarcity beliefs and the last thing I asked you to do at the end of the blog series last week was to identify three negative belief systems that you might have about money which could be hindering you from producing financial success and abundance in your life.
This week we are going to be speaking about prosperity beliefs and actually making sure that we are working in this rich fertile garden of the human mind and consciously creating prosperity belief system and today we are going focus on 4 prosperity belief systems that I would like to encourage you to experience.
The first one:
It is an abundant universe. On John Kehoe’s cd which you will hear me refer to many times on wealth creation, John Kehoe has a affirmation visualisation cd which is called Creating an Abundance of Money, and without a doubt this one of my favorite products of John it is unbelievable and it has a 12min affirmation side and a12min visualisation side. The visualisation side is extremely potent.
I have listened to it so many times I could probably repeat it for you word for word but it will take 12min but the beginning is what I would like to refer to right now. It starts out after he has got you to relax and chill and be in a place that you can take in the information and create visual images of what he says.
We sill cover it later in the series but he starts with saying the following words: “Abundance is the law of the Universe, abundance is the law of the universe, look at the abundance that exists in nature, stop and count the blades of grass upon the lawn you can not try and count the stars in the sky, you can not, the trees in the forest, the fish in the ocean, the grains of sand on the beach, you can not”.
“They are all without number all countless staggering amounts, and just as you can not perceive the abundance there is in nature you can not conceive the abundance of money in the market place”
There is so much money thousands of millions of dollars exchange hands in the global market place. You can tap into it…I love that part.
You can tap into it..tap..tap!!
So there are a few different versions. Something called the limited pie version which means that there is not enough money to go around and all of us need to share this limited pie in order to get our piece and make sure we get fed or the other model is that it is an abundant universe and that actually the more that you give into the market place the more there is to share. I like that model, that it is an unlimited resources, it is not limited.
It is an abundant universe, I remember as I used to listen to this cd, I remember once when I was living in Cape Town I was driving on the highway. Cape Tonians will know the M3 going past the university of CT and as I was listening to this “abundance is the law of the universe”
I was thinking just look at all the money flowing into CT and sitting in traffic the millions of millions of rand all flowing into the city and when you are driving out just count the valued of the cars. Sometimes you see one car go past, and you like R500 000.00 or sometimes like R1,5million. I just had a car lent to me which cost R1.5million and I was like I could buy three houses but I loved it, but here’s my point it is an abundant universe some of you might be saying but Robin how can you say that? Have you seen the poverty in the world have you seen the poverty in Myanmar? Have you seen the poverty in Ethiopia and China and right here in Soweto there is an abundance of poverty to, it is an abundant universe, there is an abundance of good people and an abundance of bad people. There is an abundance of poverty and abundance of wealth.
Which one do you want to tap into? My encouragement is to tap into the wealth consciousness because we need successful people to help us deal with the poverty side.
So the first prosperity belief, is that it is abundant universe.
The second prosperity belief that I would like to encourage you to accept and drink in, is that money is GOOD!
Money is good, now as I am saying that it might already bring out a reaction out of you because you have the belief system that money is the root of all evil, but I do not think that is true at all.
You know the Costa Rican government at one point wanted to sell their forest they had a beautiful forest and they were going to sell it off to loggers because they needed the money. They were going to sell it for 100million dollars an all the environmental agencies and organisations got all up in arms and said you can’t do this as the planet needs this, as they should. I mean we do need some beautiful natural resources, but the Cost Rican government said, We are a poor country that money is going to go a long way for education, roads, infrastructure we need the 100million dollars.
All the agencies decided well lets raise the money, lets see if we can find a way to raise the funds and pay it to the government so that it will never ever be abused and then that land can be kept as pristine land.
Everyone thought that was a great idea. Only one problem, they needed 100million dollars, now 100million dollars is a lot of money and it took months and months but they started doing research and I’m shortening the story but eventually they approached the world bank and the world bank agreed to pay the 100million dollars to the Costa Rican government and they would buy that land and that land is protected it can not be touched and we now have this beautiful rain forest that that will never be able to be sold because money is good.
Look at the good that money did. It happened because good people were willing to fight for a cause but the no1 reason that it happened is because 100million dollars changed hands because money is good.
Bill Gates, one of my hero’s what a legend. He is worth, I don’t know what he is worth,, Is it 60billion dollars, he is loaded and he has given 31billion dollars to the Melinda GATES foundation and his buddy Warren Buffet was so inspired by him that he gave 31billion dollars, no..no..in fact Bill gave 30billion dollars and then he gave 31billion dollars to the Melinda Gates Foundation now they have 61billion dollars to make a difference in the world. And here is one of the things that Bill Gates is doing.
Bill Gates wants to create a condom which makes sex more pleasurable with the condom on then without it….Why? because of the spread of AIDS…and the spread of infectious diseases and the reason why Aids has become so rampant is because most people do not enjoy using a condom. Bill has this idea why don’t we create a condom that makes sex more pleasurable with the condom on…I know what you thinking…where can I get that condom? It is true, Bill Gates wants to create this condom, the only way the can afford to do this is because he is loaded and money has the power to do good things.
Now money has the power to do bad things as well, that is were your consciousness comes in…Money is good!! Mother Theresa took a vow of poverty but her organization didn’t take a vow of poverty and her organization raised millions of millions of dollars to do the work that she did in Calcutta and around the world. Money is good…. think of the good that money can do. Money can do amazingly positive good things.
The 3rd prosperity belief that I am going to encourage you to adopt into you mindset and belief system is that opportunities are everywhere. One of the affirmations on the Creating an Abundance of Money cd is “Opportunities are everywhere”
I believe that there are a staggering number of opportunities for creating money. Think about this, just to tell you a story.
John Paul Getty, the oil billionaire was at a dinner in the states in the early 70’s and there was a young man sitting at the table with them and he was bemoaning the fact of all the good opportunities that had come and gone and he was saying “AAAAhhhh you know if only I was alive in the 20’s…..I mean that was a great time with the big depression and all the opportunities were there. Only if I was around at the turn of the century. He was saying all the good opportunities had come and gone.
John Paul Getty looked at him and said , “Well he says…never ever before in the time of history has there been this much opportunity to make money, through times of rapid change there is rapid opportunity to create wealth and never before has there been more opportunity to create wealth as there is today.
He was saying that in the 70’s and if he thought there was rapid opportunity in the 70’s what would he think of being around in the 2000’s, there are way more opportunities. Things are changing much faster.
During times of rapid change tremendous opportunities, let me share with you undisputed fact there are children who aren’t even born yet who will one day make millions of millions of dollars in the real estate market.
There are children that will make millions on the stock market. There are children that will make millions on new inventions, there are children that will start businesses and create an abundance of wealth for them.
Don’t you have a head start, they are not even born yet, so you have an opportunity, but the key is to open your consciousness and see that opportunities are everywhere. There are staggering numbers for creating wealth.
The 4th Belief system is that my subconscious mind is my partner is success.
Your greatest tool that can help you produce success is your subconscious mind.
This is why you need to go within and go with your dreams and trust yourself connect with your subconscious and listen to the guidance you are being given.
I wanted to share with you those four prosperity beliefs that will take with you into your subconscious mind and create that as your new belief system and first of all money is good, it is an abundant universe, opportunities are everywhere and your subconscious mind is your partner in success.
Thank you for tuning in. I look forward to being with you next week when we will discuss some key and powerful affirmations in order for your to manifest abundance into your life.
Go well and Don’t forget to be awesome!!