“Inspiring, energetic, mind blowing, life changing.”

It is said that we think well


How many of these thoughts are creative, productive or consciously inserted by us? How many are unconscious, destructive and based on outdated beliefs from past experiences?

The student of Mind Power learns to study and observe the conscious and subconscious minds. They know that “ Thoughts are Real Forces”; that nothing is happening to us, but all things are created by us. There can be no victims or villains, only outcomes of our thoughts.

Science has proven that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that the differences between the matter we experience is simply the result of energy vibrating at different frequencies.

You are also made up of energy and the energy with which you vibrate determines the circumstances and situations which happen to you. It just so happens that the most basic form of energy we can mould and create with is our power to think thoughts. Your thoughts therefore literally create your reality and this has direct implications on your finances, success, health and general well being.

Your mind wants leadership. It needs direction and it wants to be told what to focus on and think about. It will thrive and prosper when it has discipline & routine, a master who is an athlete of the mind, mentally fit, focused and ready to lead.

The Mind Power course has been designed by internationally renowned best-selling author John Kehoe, to awaken the powers of the mind. It will provide you with the tools and techniques to train your mind and master your powers of concentration. By consciously choosing your thoughts, you consciously create you life. If you want to take control and make changes in your life, you must look to the cause.

Change the way you are thinking!


The course is offered over SIX weeks, one session per week consecutively. To realise the full benefit of the programme participants commit to doing 30 minutes of Mind Power practice everyday for the duration of the SIX weeks.

Session #1: Thoughts Are Real Forces

Understand the dynamics of thought and mind and how they influence your life.
Session #2: Who’s In Control?
Contrary to popular belief we aren’t really in control of our lives, we allow external forces to dominate and control our thinking and behavior.
Session #3: The Power Of The Spoken Word
Your Thought, Word and Action are powerful forces of attraction, learn to align them.
Session #4: The Subconscious Mind, Your Grand Master
The true master is not the conscious mind, it is the subconscious mind, learn to speak the language of the subconscious and build a relationship with it.
Session #5: Setting Up a Mind Power Program / Igniting Your Vision
Mind Power is not a philosophy but a practice. During this session we provide insights that will help in designing your own unique Mind Power Program as well as identify what your vision is for your life and how to set up your Mind Power Program around living in alignment with your vision.
Session #6: Sustaining the Magic/Health and Wellness
We go through the first week of Sustaining the Magic explaining the program and how to use this program to keep your momentum going and staying on track with your Mind Power as well as delve into the importance of healthy body, healthy mind.


“I have literally spent years at seminars and reading self-improvement and positive books... but nothing has even come close to producing the results we’ve already received from this course so far!... I walked in expecting miracles – I received more”
“In 2009 I bought a book in a junk shop and it changed my Real Estate Business and my life. The Mind Power book and then attending the Mind Power seminar has shaped my life over the past 4 years and led me to achieve success in Real Estate I never dreamed to be possible.”
“All I can say is WOW outstanding! I own two businesses and both have far exceeded the goals I set for earnings for next year already. Amazing course thank you so much!”
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