My Thoughts, My Words & My Actions are Powerful Forces
of Attraction! – Robin Banks

Shaping Your Destiny is a powerful & catalysing process in which you will take control of every aspect of your life and create an exciting and compelling future!

Most people believe they have no power when the exact opposite is true, we have unlimited power at our disposal. We are creators and have the ability to transform our circumstances. The challenge is that we don’t know what it is that we want and what our Life Purpose is. Who are you? What do you really want? Do you believe you deserve it?

During this workshop we will create and clarify your Life Purpose. Your Personal Mission Statement is your driving force around which everything else in your life revolves. This will ignite your vision so that you literally feel pulled out of bed in the morning to make it happen! Clarity is power. With a clear purpose we can now sharpen our focus and target our time in order to ensure that we are fully engaged in our lives, controlling and directing our destiny.

Once you are clear about what it is that you want in the 6 Areas of Life Mastery, you can set your Personal G.P.S and create a Daily Action Plan in order to ensure that you do indeed arrive at your destination!



Robin Banks is one of the world’s leading authorities on the subject of Mind Power and Personal Mastery. He is a highly-sought after International Speaker and Presenter and has an amazing ability to combine solid content with a humorous and dynamic presentation.

People from all walks of life, from shelf packers to CEO’s, have been transformed and inspired by Robin’s presentations. Robin has travelled and studied abroad in the “Art of Communication” and “Understanding Group Dynamics”.

More than 1 million people globally have been inspired by his various talks, workshops and presentations.


“I have literally spent years at seminars and reading self-improvement and positive books... but nothing has even come close to producing the results we’ve already received from this course so far!... I walked in expecting miracles – I received more”
“In 2009 I bought a book in a junk shop and it changed my Real Estate Business and my life. The Mind Power book and then attending the Mind Power seminar has shaped my life over the past 4 years and led me to achieve success in Real Estate I never dreamed to be possible.”
“All I can say is WOW outstanding! I own two businesses and both have far exceeded the goals I set for earnings for next year already. Amazing course thank you so much!”
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